Non-Bank Financial Institutions

Duration: 3 Days ・ CPD Points: 24 CPD Points ・ Level: Beginner

Delivered by Fitch Learning, in partnership with the GICP.

Looking to level up your knowledge of NBFIs? Equip yourself with the skills needed to succeed and accelerate your career in this interactive course.

Delivery Live Online
Location London
Dates 25-27 Nov 24

Course Details

The overall goal of this intensive study based course is to give participants a structured approach to the credit analysis of different types of NBFI; finance and leasing companies, securities companies (brokers and broker dealers), and investment funds and asset managers (funds, hedge funds and investment managers).

Key Learning Outcomes: 

  • Distinguish the key business risks, financial indicators and accounting issues by sector, business line, type of institution or fund structure
  • Use market indicators, quantitative and qualitative analysis to identify strong and weak performers
  • Appreciate how economic, structural, competitive and regulatory issues impact strategy and financial health
  • Understand performance indicators and financial statements for each business model to uncover key credit issues and the impact of differing accounting policies

Course Content

Module I: Finance and Leasing Companies

Analytic Overview

Learn a structured approach to analysing business risk in a finance and leasing company and understand the risks associated with different business models and leasing asset classes

  • Franchise: Understanding the risk of differing business models and reliance on parent companies
  • Benefits of leasing and key sector terminology
  • Importance of understanding asset class variations on residual value risk
  • Purpose payback model: Why and how finance and leasing companies borrow; dependence on debt capital markets and access to refinance; stability and variety of wholesale funding sources
  • The operating environment and differing approaches to regulation and supervision in EU
  • Case Study: Purpose payback international leasing company
  • Perspective on finance and leasing companies: Rating agencies, debt and equity investors and banks

Financial Fundamentals

Understand the key areas to analyse the financial strength and risk of finance and leasing companies and how accounting approaches affect financial disclosure

  • Shareholders: Risks and benefits of financial and business support in captive finance companies
  • Statement logic: Key income statement and balance sheet items, accounting policies for delinquencies
  • Business risk: Use of key ratios to assess quality of lease and loan book, reserve adequacy, IFRS 9 Vs US GAAP accounting impacts, lagged non-performing loan analysis, owned versus managed book, residual value risk
  • Issues specific to leasing companies: Types of leasing companies, residual values, cash flow; key ratios for peer group of leasing companies
  • Operating versus finance leases and impact of IFRS 16
  • Off-balance sheet funding; retained interests, mortgage servicing rights and gain on sale accounting from securitisation
  • Case Study: Business risk for an international leasing company
  • Funding risk: Gap management, availability of contingency funding, liquidity and capital adequacy
  • Impact of Basel on leasing subsidiaries; risk mitigation of lease models and asset classes
  • Performance risk: Balancing risk and return; income stability and expense control
  • Case Study: Financial risk and performance analysis for an international leasing company
  • Critical management issues and early warning signals for finance and leasing companies; processes and systems, market knowledge and strategy

Module II: Securities Companies

Analytic Overview

Apply a structured approach to the credit analysis of securities companies and compare this with the perspectives of regulators, rating agencies and debt and equity investors.

  • Business models and risk profiles of differing securities companies
  • Purpose payback model – key issues in debt and counterparty exposures to securities companies
  • Case Study: Purpose Payback considerations for a securities company.
  • Perspective on securities companies: Regulators, rating agencies, debt and equity investors

Operating Environment

Understand the impact of macro competitive and regulatory issues on risk profile and strategy.

  • Securities markets: Foreign exchange, equity, fixed income, futures and other derivatives, commodities, etc.
  • Differing business models: Broker, broker dealer, wholesale, retail and internet based
  • Exercise: Identifying risks in brokerage companies
  • Regulation and supervision: Focal points of international, regional and local regulation; compare and contrast key markets.


Understand the key strategic, corporate governance and risk management challenges of securities companies.

  • Shareholders: Quality of financial and business support
  • Strategy, risk management (VAR and other models)
  • Corporate governance and key person issues
  • Exercise: Corporate governance in a securities company
  • Operational risk challenges.

Financial Fundamentals

Benchmark key performance indicators of different types of securities companies in order to identify both strong and weak performers and recognise early warning signals of credit deterioration.

  • Statement logic: Matching business model to expected financial statements; key accounting policies on fair valuation; risk of window dressing
  • Performance risk: Revenue sources, earnings volatility and cost control
  • Case study: Performance indicators for a global securities broker.
  • Business risk: Risk profile of broking, trading underwriting, advisory, settlement and clearing
  • Market risk/asset quality: Modelling market risk, securities haircuts, fair value techniques, off balance sheet exposures
  • Counterparty credit risk in brokerage and derivatives activities
  • Case study: Business risk indicators for a global securities broker.
  • Financial risk: Managing funding stability and liquidity risk
  • Capital adequacy: Regulatory and analytic tools to assess the strength of capital and the risks of leverage; net capital, working capital and core capital
  • Case study: Financial indicators for a global securities broker.

Module III: Funds, Hedge Funds and Fund Managers

Analytic Overview

Introduction to a structured approach to fund and fund manager analysis.

  • Purpose of transaction and sources of payback: Who is the counterparty? What assets or derivatives are being financed? How will the transaction be settled or the repaid at maturity?
  • Risk analysis approach: Operating environment, financial fundamentals and management
  • Exercise: Purpose and payback funds and fund managers
  • Information sources: Prospectus, financial & portfolio statements.
  • Fund ratings: Rating agencies, Morningstar and other ratings

Industry Overview

Differentiates funds types encountered in the industry by their structural, legal and jurisdictional features.

  • Structure and legal status of funds and managed accounts; partnerships, corporations, segregated accounts
  • Types of fund, financial products used and risk profile – mutual funds (incl. UCITS, ICVCs, FCPs, OIECs and SICAVs), managed accounts, tracker and exchange traded funds (ETFs), smart beta, umbrellas, closed-ended funds and investment trusts, REITs, private equity, fund of funds, master feeders, hedge funds
  • Investment strategies: Risk profile of strategy, policies, practices and restrictions
  • Goals: Absolute versus benchmarked returns; Alpha versus beta; Minimising correlations
  • Fee structures: Upfront and performance; high water marks
  • Techniques to optimise risk adjusted returns: Leverage, derivatives and short selling

Industry Overview (cont.)

  • Traditional strategies: Fixed income (money market, bond), equity and growth, value and Multi-asset strategies
  • Exercise: Identifying risk profiles and trading approach of different alternative strategies; risk and return characteristics of alternative strategies; uncorrelated returns, volatility vs return, drawdown statistics; directional vs relative value strategies

Operating Environment

Review macro, competitive and regulatory drivers of the retail and alternative/hedge-fund sectors.

Macro and competitive drivers

  • Competitive drivers in the industry

Regulation and supervision

  • Regulation and supervision by region
  • Mutual funds - investment and leverage limits, disclosure
  • Fund manager regulation; capital adequacy, licensing, business practices
  • Money Market fund reform in EU and US: CNAV, VNAV, LVNAV
  • Exercise: Assessing regulatory framework: Offshore registrations, listings, fund manager domicile
  • Impact of regulation:
  • EU Investment Firms Regulation (IFR) and G-SIFI systemic risk 

Financial Fundamentals

Benchmark key performance indicators for different types of fund to identify both strong and weak performers.

  • "S": Size – reviewing size, diversification and market position of fund
  • "M": Market risk – volatility measures e.g. standard deviation, VaR
  • "A": Asset quality – liquidity and valuation of assets, haircuts
  • "L": Liquidity – managing redemption risk
  • "L": Leverage – use of financial and derivative/synthetic leverage, UCITS leverage restrictions
  • "P": Performance – bench marking performance. NAV measures, Sharpe ratio
  • Case study: Assessing the financial strength of a liquid alternative fund using SMALLP approach

Fund Manager

Evaluate the roles and responsibilities of key parties to a fund and assess the financial strength of a fund manager.

  • Roles and responsibilities of various parties: Manager, trustee, directors, administrator, custodian etc.
  • Risk profiles of different business models: Institutional, retail, wealth management.
  • Due diligence fund manager: Business structure, independence and controls, investment process, risk management, communication
  • Financial Overview: Brief overview of performance measurements; cash-flow analysis; balance sheet strength and rating agency benchmarks

Who Should Attend?

Bank trading and credit risk managers; portfolio and bank relationship managers; equity and fixed income analysts; investment managers, supervisors; lawyers.


Course Highlights

Real Case Studies

Real company case studies to test your newly learnt skills

CPD Recognized

This course is Continuous Professional Development (CPD) recognized

Highly Interactive

Highly interactive with small group size and industry expert trainers

Frequently Asked Questions

Currently, course can be taken either in an in-person setting or in a live online setting.

Our virtual live online courses are designed to keep the same levels of engagement and networking as our in-person courses. You will attend the course virtually on a set date, at a set time.

What time zones do the courses run in?
Currently, we run live online training across London, New York and Singapore time zones.

How are the courses delivered?
We deliver virtual training via Zoom.

What are the start times?
The courses will run during scheduled class times, and vary per course.

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Phone: +44 20 7496 8600

All of our instructors are industry practitioners turned trainers. Their training style is case study based and interactive. They will coach, challenge and inform participants to ensure immediate and practical real-life application from the courses. To discuss our instructors further please email

Class sizes are dependent on the course, but are small enough to permit active interaction and participation.

Q. Am I able to gain CPD/CE/CPE credits for my course?
A. We award continuing professional development credits for the following:

CFA Institute
The CPD Certificate Service
CFA Society
The CPD Certificate Service

Q. What do I need to do to receive my credits?
A. Please email to request a certificate. Fitch Learning will send you a certificate stating how many points you are eligible for.

Q. How many credits will I receive?
A. We award 8 credits (7 for the CFA) for each day of training you attend.

You will be contacted by email within 2 working days of processing your registration to confirm your place on the course.

In order to optimise class time we ask participants to read some background information on the main illustration case(s) prior to attending the class. This also helps to ensure that all are able to participate in case discussions. In some cases additional background reading is provided. The length of pre-course reading is advised to participants in advance and typically ranges from 2-3 hours.

We try to send out the pre-course reading by email one week before the start of the course. There may be a delay in sending this out due either to late registrations or to the fact that the case study needs to incorporate recently-published financial information.

Q. If I am unable to attend can I send a substitute?
A. Absolutely and it is completely free of charge. We do however ask that we have at least 2 working days’ notice of this change before the course start date. Please email with full contact details of the substitute and who they are replacing.

Q. Can I transfer my booked course to another date?
A. Yes you can. If you email us your request to transfer to the next available course date and give us more than 30 days’ notice, there will be no charge. If you notify us within 30 days of the course start date, there will be an additional payment of 25% of the course fee, provided the original course fee has been paid in full.
A transfer can only be made onto a course taking place within a period of 6 months of the original course date and only one transfer can be made in respect of any booking.

Q. Can I cancel my course booking?
A. Yes. If you email us with your request more than 30 days before the course start date, there will be no charge. If you notify us within 30 days of the course start date you are liable for the full course fees.

Q. What happens if I do not attend my course?
A. If you do not attend your course and you do not give us any prior notice you are liable for the full course fee and no refunds can be given.

Notice contact details:

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Phone: +44 20 7496 8600

Q. How do I make a complaint?
A. Anyone who wishes to make a complaint may do so in writing. Complaints need not be made to the actual service which is the subject of the complaint. In the first instance complaints should be sent to Grace Heighington, Head of Public Courses.

Q. Where do I send my complaint?

A. Complaints can be submitted using the following options:
Post: Grace Heighington, Fitch Learning, The Corn Exchange, 55 Mark Lane, London, EC3R 7NE
Wherever possible and appropriate, staff are requested to elicit from the complainant the nature of the complaint, as well as the actions the complainant feels are necessary to resolve the complaint.

Complaints Policy and Procedure
Q. What are the stages involved?

A. There are two main stages to our complaints procedure:

Stage 1 - We always try to resolve issues quickly. From the moment we receive your complaint, we must get back to you within three working days. At the very least we must acknowledge the problem in writing and give you the name of the person dealing with the complaint. We must give you a full reply within ten working days if possible, or keep you fully informed of the progress and reasons for delay.

Stage 2 - If you are not happy with the full response at Stage 1, please contact us again. One of the Managing Directors will then review the issue. You can expect our acknowledgement within three working days of us receiving your complaint. We will also explain how long the director's review will take.

What Our Customers Say

"Excellent - very relevant and current examples, very well organised."

Jane Graylen, Lloyds TSB

"The course gave me an overview of the Non Bank and was quite engaging, the smaller group made learning more easier and one could easily focus and raise questions and comments immediately."

Pako Kgankenna, Corporate Credit Manager

"I appreciated the content of the course and the expertise of the trainer."

Imed Bohli, Société Générale

Make an Enquiry

To find out more about the course get in touch with the
Fitch Learning team on +44 20 7496 8600 or fill out the form below.

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