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Discover our corporate credit analysis training courses

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Delivered by Fitch Learning, in partnership with the GICP

Global leaders in financial training

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"Thoroughly enjoyable. Insightful and very well taught. Great instructor."

Jonathan Connor, HSBC

"Excellent experience. The instructor was an excellent presenter with real world experience. The subject material was easier to take in because of the trainer's knowledge of case studies and her personable presentation style."

Ken Cho, Wells Fargo

"Fun, interactive, practical and knowledgeable."

Bonnie Chow, Zurich Financial Services Australia Ltd

"The delivery, content and structure of the course was extremely useful and easy to follow."

Henry Balcerak, Assistant Director, Restructuring Equity Advisory

"The trainer was effective in bringing up real life examples and was able to help course participants think about key topics for discussion."

Tony Saw, Vice President - Risk

"Very good content, comprehensive with deep dive; the trainer presented the content with a lot of experience in a very competent way. Good in-depth discussions, good interaction, interesting polls, all questions were well answered. In summary, excellent course!

Thomas Auschill, Country Risk & Industry Research - Sales Specialist